XXII Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium



Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra | 27th and 28th January 2023

The annual Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium holds a prominent position in Accounting research in Portugal. Since its creation in 2001, the Grudis Accounting Research Network has made an important contribution to the promotion of research, with the annual conference taking centre stage in creating interactions among its members. The Conference is preceded by a Doctoral Colloquium and is supported by the European Accounting Association (EAA) under its National Associations Initiative.

The key aims of Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium are:

  • To support the production and dissemination of high quality accounting research.
  • To offer participants a plenary address by a keynote guest of high international standing.
  • To enable early career researchers to access feedback on their research projects.
  • To enhance research networks and develop opportunities for collaboration.

The target audience is Accounting scholars and researchers, graduate students (doctoral and masters students) and others interested in accounting research.

The event will feature presentation of academic papers and PhD research projects. We welcome submissions from Grudis Accounting Research Network members (or co-authored with members) and from members of our partner organizations -  the European Accounting Association (EAA), the Asociación Española de Profesores Universitarios de Contabilidad (ASEPUC), AICOGestión, and the InSPiR2eS research network. For details on how to request membership of Grudis Accounting Research Network, please complete the form found HERE.

The conference accepts papers and research projects in English or Portuguese. The presentation and discussion of accepted manuscripts will be in the language the paper is written. Authors can submit and present one paper each (note: authors may be co-authors on other papers).


The XXII Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium will be held on January 27th and 28th 2023 at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra [FEUC]:

Universidade de Coimbra
Faculdade de Economia
Avenida Dr. Dias da Silva, nº165
3004-512 Coimbra, Portugal

Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra [FEUC]
Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra [FEUC]

Welcome to XXII Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium

FEUC - University of Coimbra
FEUC - University of Coimbra
FEUC - University of Coimbra

On behalf of the Conference Committee, I warmly welcome you to the XXII Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium, an event hosted by the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, on the 27th and 28th January 2023. Myself and my fellow colleagues of the Local Organizing Committee are pleased to receive you at the University of Coimbra, one of the oldest universities in Europe, with over 730 years of history. Located in the beautiful city of Coimbra, our University has a unique tangible and intangible heritage, recognised by its listing as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and by its status as a pillar in the scientific development culture of Europe and of the World.

The Faculty of Economics (FEUC), created in 1972, is one of the eight faculties that make up the University of Coimbra. With a population of about 2,400 students and 100 academic staff, FEUC provides an exceptional venue for the development of both knowledge and strong relationships between the members of its community.

While the field of accounting has long been established at FEUC, it has grown significantly during the last decade, especially due to our MSc in Accounting and Finance, a degree whose chairs and teaching faculty are strongly committed to the Grudis Conference. As experienced scholars with ample experience with similar events, we aim for a successful Grudis Conference, by providing a conducive forum for high quality scientific discussions, as well as opportunities to socialize and network with peers that we missed so much in recent times.

The Conference is preceded by the Doctoral Colloquium and has the support of the European Accounting Association (EAA) and of the Portuguese Institute of Certified Accountants (Ordem dos Contabilistas Certificados – OCC). Both Conference and Doctoral Colloquium are aimed at accounting researchers, graduate students (masters and doctoral students) and others interested in accounting research.

We are also excited that the keynote speaker at the XXII Grudis Conference is Ileana Steccolini, Professor of Accounting at Essex Business School, and a researcher at the interface among accounting and public administration and management.

We firmly believe that the Grudis Conference 2023 will be an event of high scientific significance and, yet again, another success for the Grudis Network. And with this in mind, we reiterate our warm invite to you – come and be part in this event!

We look forward to seeing you in Coimbra!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Susana Jorge, Conference Chair

Susana Jorge, Conference Chair

Keynote Speaker

The keynote speaker at the XXII Grudis Conference is Professor Ileana Steccolini.

Ileana Steccolini is a Professor of Accounting at Essex Business School. She held previous positions at Newcastle University and Bocconi University and was a visiting scholar at the University of Sydney, the University of Edinburgh, RMIT Melbourne, Università della Svizzera Italiana, and Getulio Vargas Foundation. Her expertise develops at the interface among accounting and public administration and management. She has published on public sector accounting, budgeting, performance management and accountability, reform and change processes, governmental financial resilience, inclusion, participation and gender in public services. She is Joint editor of Financial Accountability and Management and serves/d in the editorial boards of Public Administration Review, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, the Journal of Public Budgeting Accounting and Financial Management, and the Journal of Government and Nonprofit Accounting. She is the President of the International Research Society of Public Management, the chair and founder of the Public Service Accounting and Accountability Group, the Chair of the EIASM Conference on Public Sector Accounting and Accountability, and the Chair of the Standing Scientific Committee of the European Accounting Association. She is a member of the Italian Public Sector Accounting Standard Board and of the Advisory Board of CIPFA International.

Professor Ileana Steccolini


Scientific Committee

Standing Scientific Committee Members
▪ Chair: Sofia Lourenço [ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa]
▪ Paulo Alves [Católica Porto Business School]
▪ Ana Isabel Lopes [ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa]

Scientific Committee Members
▪ Susana Jorge [FEUC]
▪ Augusta Ferreira [ISCA-UA]

▪ Members of Grudis Accounting Research Network invited by the Scientific Committee.

Local Organizing Committee

Chair: Susana Jorge [FEUC]
▪ Isabel Cruz [FEUC]
▪ Liliana Pimentel [FEUC]
▪ Adriana Silva [FEUC]


The Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium is held over two days.

Day 1: Doctoral Colloquium

The Doctoral Colloquium features presentations of doctoral students’ research projects. This space provides doctoral students with the opportunity to present and discuss their research projects, as well as the preliminary results of their research. All research projects benefit from the in-depth comments of a discussant.

Attendance of the Doctoral Colloquium is open to all registered conference participants.

Day 2: Conference

The Conference features a plenary session held by the keynote speaker and multiple parallel sessions with paper presentations.  All papers benefit from the in-depth comments of a discussant.

The conference offers ample networking opportunities.

Event program

The program of the XXII Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium is now available HERE. Please be advised that minor updates to the program may become necessary.

XXII Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium - Event Program
XXII Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium - Event Program


Conference awards

The Grudis Conference offers participants access to the Outstanding Reviewer Award - Professor Ana Maria Rodrigues, the Outstanding Paper Award, and the Accounting and Management Review Award. Eligible PhD students have access to the Doctoral Colloquium Award (details below).

Outstanding Reviewer Award, Professor Ana Maria Rodrigues

The Outstanding Reviewer Award recognises service excellence among peers. This award bears the name of Professor Ana Maria Rodrigues, the late Grudis member who distinguished herself for the selfless sense of service to the Grudis and wider accounting community. Winners receive a certificate in acknowledgement of their exceptional service to the review process.

The award is decided by the Standing Scientific Committee (whose members are ineligible).

Outstanding Paper Award, Professor Lúcia Lima Rodrigues

The Outstanding Paper Award recognises conference papers that stand out for their excellence among peers. This award bears the name of Professor Lúcia Lima Rodrigues, the late Grudis member who distinguished herself for the outstanding contribution to accounting research through numerous and well-cited publications in leading journals. Winners receive a certificate in acknowledgement of the quality of their research.

The award is decided in a two-stage process that entails reviewers’ recommendations and a nomination by an independent panel. All conference papers are eligible.

Accounting and Management Review Award

The Accounting and Management Review (AMR) Award recognizes the best papers that stand out for their excellence among peers and whose authors apply to the Award. During the submission process (EasyChair), authors will be prompted to indicate if they wish to be considered for the AMR Award, signalling their willingness to publish their work in the Accounting and Management Review

Winners of the AMR Award will receive a certificate and a 500 euros prize in the acknowledgment of the quality of their research.

The award is informed by reviewers’ recommendations and requires the paper submission for publication in the Accounting and Management Review.  

Please refer to the Regulation AMR Best Papers Award for further details on the AMR Award.

Doctoral Colloquium Award

Research projects submitted to the Grudis Doctoral Colloquium may participate, upon indication of authors and eligibility, in a selection process under the Grudis-EAA partnership agreement, which offers the following exclusive benefits for selected doctoral students:

  1. Participation in the EAA PhD Forum (on the first morning of the EAA Congress) of the respective year in which they are nominated (upon registration at the EAA Congress);
  2. Reduction of the EAA Congress registration fee by 250€ (not cumulative with the discount given to PhD students when they register for the first time);
  3. Participation in the Peer Mentoring Initiative (PMI) of the EAA's Accounting Research Center (ARC). PMI aims to provide doctoral students with feedback from European experts in the various areas of accounting. PMI works like a peer review system for a scientific journal, with the inherent confidentiality of projects. More information at https://arc.eaa-online.org/peer-mentoring-initiative;
  4. Two years of free membership of the EAA, granting consequently access to the European Accounting Review and Accounting in Europe, as well as full access to the ARC website.

The Scientific Committee selects (up to) two awardees for the Doctoral Colloquium Award.


The submission of the manuscripts is via Easychair. Please register on EasyChair, if you have not done so yet. The submission process will require you to identify the authors of the manuscript and to submit a PDF file.This file needs to meet the follow criteria:

  • Be a complete version of the manuscript (i.e. a full paper).
  • Not contain author(s) identification– this is essential to the review process. (Note: author information is entered directly on the Easychair platform).
  • Not exceed 15 000 words.

In parallel, a copy of the full paper, with identification of the authors, should be sent to the conference email conference@grudis.pt to be made available to registered participants ahead of the conference.

The submission deadline is 26 October 2022 via Easychair  -XXII GCDC Coimbra 2023.

A blind refereeing process will be used for the selection of manuscripts (articles and research projects) for presentation.

Papers (in Portuguese or English) from all areas of accounting and research methods are welcomed. In particular, we welcome papers focusing on issues in Auditing, Accounting Education, Financial Analysis, Financial Reporting, Accounting and Governance, History, Interdisciplinary/Critical, Accounting and Information Systems, Management Accounting, Public Sector Accounting & Not-For-Profit Accounting, Social and Environmental Accounting & Ethical Issues in Accounting, and Taxation. We also welcome all research method approaches, including Analytical/Modelling, Conceptual Development/Interpretative/Historical, Case/Field Study, Empirical Archival, Experimental, and Survey.

Authors should not submit papers presented at a previous Grudis Conference. Only in exceptional circumstances a second presentation will be permitted and subject fundamental changes having been made to the paper.

Authors should also indicate through Easychair if they wish to be considered for the Accounting and Management Review Award, which results from partnership between Grudis and the Portuguese Institute of Certified Accountants (OCC). For more details, see Conference Awards under the Program above.

The acceptance of papers becomes final only after the registration of the presenting author by the deadline (see Key Dates, under Registration).

Key Dates

The dates for submission, acceptance and registration deadlines for the Conference and Doctoral Colloquium are the following:

  • 6 October 2022
    Registrations open;
  • 26 October 2022
    Paper submission deadline;
  • 1 December 2022
    Communication of acceptance of papers;
  • 23 January 2023
    Registrations close;
  • 27 January 2023
    Day 1: Doctoral Colloquium;
  • 28 January 2023
    Day 2 – Conference


Key dates

Registrations will open on 20 November 2022 in accordance with the following schedule:

  • 19 December 2022
    Registration deadline for authors of accepted papers and of research proposals

  • 8 January 2023
    Early-bird registration ends

  • 9 January 2023
    General registration opens

  • 23 January 2023
    Registrations close

Registrations for the 2023 Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium are now closed.

We hope to see you in 2024!

The following registration fees apply:


Early-bird fee

General fee

Grudis Network members and members of partner organisations *

75€ 100€

Non-members of the Grudis Network

100€ 125

PhD and MSc Students

50€ 75€


* Under the partnership agreements with the EAA, ASEPUC, AICOGéstion, and InSPiR2eS international research alliance, members of these communities benefit from the same registration fee as Grudis Network members.

Participation in the Grudis Doctoral Colloquium is open to all registered conference participants at no additional cost.

The registration fee covers participation in sessions, coffee breaks, lunch (Saturday), and certificates (participation, presentation, discussant, chair).

Join Grudis Accounting Network now HERE to benefit from the member discount.

Useful information

Arriving by air

There is no airport in Coimbra. Air travelers will need to fly to Lisbon (LIS) or to Oporto (OPO) airports and make their way to Coimbra by Car, Train, Express Bus, Airport Shuttle Bus.

Arriving by car

From Lisbon or Porto, take motorway A1 (toll road) towards Coimbra (north-bound if travelling from Lisbon, south-bound if travelling from Porto). Allow 90 minutes travel time from Porto and about 2 hours from Lisbon.

You can find more information about tolls HERE.

By Train 

All of the trains connecting Porto to Lisbon stop at Coimbra-B station. Travel time is about 1h00 from Porto and about 1h45m from Lisbon on the fastest service. See the web page of the CP (Comboios de Portugal).

Coimbra is served by two major train services – ALFA and INTERCIDADES. Departures from from Lisbon are Sta. Apolónia Station and Gare do Oriente Station (next to the airport), while from Porto the Departure is Campanhã Station. These are the fastest services, linking Lisbon, Porto and Braga and major cities in-between.

Coimbra is served by two railway stations: COIMBRA-A in the city centre and COIMBRA-B in the north of the city. ALFA and INTERCIDADES stop at COIMBRA-B. There are several link services from COIMBRA-B to COIMBRA-A (City Centre) by train, a short trip covered by your train ticket.

By Express Bus

The bus shuttle station is located at Av. Fernão de Magalhães and is easily reached by local bus or on foot (about 10 minutes from the city center). Use either Rede Expressos or RodoNorte. You can find more detailed and interactive information here.

By Airport Shuttle Bus

Coimbra Airport Shuttle operates a door-to-door shared transfer between the Center of Portugal and both Lisbon (LIS) and Oporto (OPO) airports.

The Coimbra Airport Shuttle service offers numerous daily shuttles going to or departing from the airports.

You can find more detailed and interactive information here.

Below is list of hotels that are located near the historic city centre and University of Coimbra. A list of local accommodation (B&B) options is also provided. As Coimbra is a popular tourist destination, we highly recommend early booking.


Hotel TRYP (the closest to the venue)
Tryp Coimbra Hotel
Av Armando Gonçalves Lote 20, 3000-059 COIMBRA
Bookings: (+351) 239 480 800
E-mail: tryp.coimbra@melia.com

Hotel Vila Galé
Vila Galé Coimbra
Rua Abel Dias Urbano, 20, 3000-001 Coimbra
Bookings: (+351) 239 240 000
E-mail: coimbra.reservas@vilagale.com

Hotel Tivoli
Tivoli Coimbra
Rua João Machado, nº 4 3000-226 Coimbra
Bookings: (+351) 239 858 300
E-mail: htcoimbra@tivolihotels.com

Hotel Ibis Coimbra
Ibis Coimbra Centro
Avenida Emidio Navarro n°70, 3000-150 Coimbra
Bookings: (+351) 239 852 130
E-mail: H1672@ACCOR.COM

Hotel Dona Inês
Hotel Dona Inês
R. Abel Dias Urbano, 12, 3000-001 Coimbra
Bookings: (+351) 239 855 800
E-mail: reservas@donaines.pt

Hotel Botânico
Hotel Botânico Coimbra (hotelbotanicocoimbra.pt)
Av. dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, 11, 3030-181 Coimbra
Bookings: (+351) 239 71 48 24
E-mail: residbotanico@gmail.com

Alentejana (Hotel Residencial)
Hotel Residencial Alentejana, Coimbra
R. Dr. António Henriques Seco, 1, 3000-145 Coimbra
Bookings: (+351) 239 82 59 24 / 03
E-mail: residencialalentejana@hotmail.com

Pousada da Juventude Coimbra
Pousadas da Juventude Coimbra
Rua Dr. Henriques Seco, 14, 3000-145 Coimbra
Bookings: (+351) 239 829 228
E-mail: coimbra@movijovem.pt

Local accommodation (B&B)

RIU´S Studios & Suites
JR | Studios I Suites | Coimbra
Av João das Regras n.º 30, COIMBRA
Bookings: (+351) 962 599 227
E-mail: rius.studiossuites@gmail.com

Monte Rúbiu Guesthouse
Monte Rúbiu – Guesthouse
Rua António Vasconcelos n.º 7 a 9, COIMBRA
Bookings: (+351) 910 286 353
E-mail: geral@monterubiuguesthouse.pt

Penedo da Saudade Suites & Hostel
Penedo da Saudade – Suites & Hostel, Coimbra – Portugal
Av Dr Marnoco e Sousa 18B, 3000-271 COIMBRA
Bookings: (+351) 239 049 889
E-mail: stay@penedodasaudade.pt

Cultural activities

Coimbra offers many leisure activities for visitors. Below we list a few of the highlights Coimbra has to offer.

Local attractions

Coimbra 2027
Convento de São Francisco
Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente


Jardim Botânico da Universidade de Coimbra
Museu Machado de Castro
Universidade de Coimbra


The Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium is supported by the European Accounting Association (EAA) and by the Order of Certified Accountants (OCC).



The Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee can be contacted at: conference@grudis.pt.

For all inquiries relating to financial matters (e.g. invoices, cancellations) please contact finance@grudis.pt.

Esperamos por si na Rede Grudis!


Accounting Research Network

Grudis Accounting Research Network's mission is to promote the development of Accounting research, fostering the interaction between the Portuguese and international communities.