XXII Conferência Grudis e Doctoral Colloquium

We are reaching out to you with exciting news about our Network. Our main event – the annual Grudis Conference & Doctoral Colloquium – will return to face-to-face mode! We are delighted with the prospect of warmly welcoming you to the event.
Furthermore, we are most pleased to announce the that the event will be held in Coimbra, in 2023, and in Aveiro, in 2024. Two stimulating events we are currently working on for the benefit of our community. Accordingly, we would like to invite you to attend the 2023 XXII Grudis Conference & Doctoral Colloquium, in Jan 27-28, 2023, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra.
The Grudis Conference & Doctoral Colloquium brings together prominent accounting researchers in an informal setting for a one-day conference of high-quality academic papers, the discussion being animated by a keynote speech. The conference is preceded by a half-a-day Doctoral Colloquium, where students and young scholars discuss their emerging research.
The Local Organizing team is led by Susana Jorge and includes Isabel Cruz and Liliana Pimentel, while the Scientific Committee is led by Sofia Lourenço, and includes Paulo Alves, Teresa Eugénio and Susana Jorge. Further information on the XXII Grudis Conference & Doctoral Colloquium (2023) will be provided in due course, namely about keynotes, submission deadlines and registration procedures. Please stay tuned for these details, as they are announced.
Finally, we seize the opportunity to announce that we expect the XXIII Grudis Conference & Doctoral Colloquium, will take place on Feb 2-3, 2024, at the ISCA – School of Accounting and Administration, of the University of Aveiro.