10th GECAMB/P-CSEAR & XXIV Grudis Conference and Doctoral Colloquium - Registration form

Please complete this form to register for this scientific event (Fields marked with (*) are mandatory)

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(*) Under the Grudis’ partnership agreements with the EAA, ASEPUC, AICOGéstion, and InSPiR2eS international research alliance, members of these communities benefit from the same registration fee as Grudis Network members.
Participation in the Grudis Doctoral Colloquium open to all registered conference participants at no additional cost.

Please refer to the registration fees section of the conference website for details of inclusions in each of the fees of the "3 days” and “1 day” packs.
If you require the invoice to include particular details (e.g. an approval reference) please provide below the exact information you require if different from details specified above)

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Accounting Research Network

Grudis Accounting Research Network's mission is to promote the development of Accounting research, fostering the interaction between the Portuguese and international communities.